Learning about a balanced, healthy diet is important in the early years of life to maintain good physical and mental health as we grow up. Eating a balanced diet can help us;
- Maintain a healthy weight – reducing the chances of suffering from long-term health conditions
- Grow healthy – including supporting bone development and strength
- Maintain good mental health
- Learn more about different food cultures around the world and to try new foods
As early years practitioners it is vital to teach children healthy eating habits from a young age, increasing the chances of a healthier lifestyle in adulthood. There are many ways in which we can teach children all about healthy eating, check out our children's healthy eating activities for some ideas.
Healthy Eating eLearning
Undertake our Healthy eating eLearning to gain a better understanding of the nutritional needs of children, how to provide a balanced diet and how to overcome challenges.
Weight management
Trying to eat healthy and maintain regular exercise as a family isn't always easy. Therefore support is available for the whole family to help develop a healthy lifestyle.
Across Leicestershire and Rutland there is an 8-week programme available for eligible families, where a variety of topics will be covered, including cooking healthy meals and engaging in exercise, helping create healthy habits that will continue into adulthood.
A 12-week programme for adults is also available.
Want to find out more or check if your eligible then check out their website; Weight management Leicestershire and Rutland.
If you live in Leicester or just interested in some tips on healthy eating, visit the Live Well Leicester website.
Useful Websites
- The British Nutrition Foundation: useful information for different life stages including information for babies - find information on breastfeeding and introducing solid foods.
- The British Nutrition Foundation: useful information available for toddlers/pre-school aged children including information on ensuring eating well and how children can learn about food and the importance of a healthy, varied diet.
- Better Health - Health for Families: A range of healthy eating recipes and physical activity resources created by the NHS for children.
- The Caroline Walker Trust: A charity which aims to improve public health through good food. The charity have published an Eating well practical guide for children aged 1-4, and eating well during first year of life. The resources aim to help young children eat well and outlines important key foods developed for nurseries, child minders and preschools as well as parents.
- HENRY: Offers help planning and cooking healthy family meals with simple recipes, making it much easier to prepare quick and balanced meals.
- TastEd: works with EY settings and primary schools, training practitioners in delivering sensory food education. Sensory food education is a fantastic way of helping children build a positive relationship with food and eating.
Leicestershire Trading Standards
Food allergies
The prevalence of food allergies amongst the population is unfortunately increasing and this is an extra responsibility for settings who cater for young children with a diagnosed food allergy. There are 14 legally recognised allergens in the UK which must be highlighted on a food label, this includes milk, cereals containing gluten, sesame and nuts.
Guidance (Document, 15 Kb)
When dealing with food allergies, it is important to understand food labels, the law and what it means. Here are some do’s and don’ts....
Guidance Documents
Menus, statutory framework and nutritional information
Health Start and Best Start Foods. A Practical Guide. (PDF, 3.2 Mb)
EYFS framework 2023 Childminders (PDF, 422 Kb)
EYFS framework 2023 group and school-based providers (PDF, 483 Kb)
Early years menus part 1 guidance (PDF, 506 Kb)
Early years menus part 2 recipes (PDF, 2.1 Mb)
Fussy Eaters Information Sheet (PDF, 375 Kb)
Healthy packed lunches for early years FACT SHEET (PDF, 1.1 Mb)
This is a good fact sheet to share with families about what makes a healthy and yummy lunch box!
Eat Better Start Better1 (1) (PDF, 5.2 Mb)