The Children and Family Wellbeing Service provide free early help services to a child, young person or family, where they are experiencing difficulties that cannot be supported by universal services, such as schools or GPs alone.
They provide a range of support for parents, carers and families with children aged 0-5, all of which can be found here, including:
- Parent and volunteer-led stay and play sessions - anyone can attend these sessions and they help parents, carers and children to meet together and play in a safe environment *these groups are open access but require parents to book.
- 0-2 pathway - weekly groups for parents and their children, starting at the antenatal stage through to approximately 2 years.
- Young parent groups - weekly support groups for young parents and their babies.
- And much more...
To access these services, parents/carers/families can make a self-referral using the online service request form here.
The Children and Families Wellbeing Service also manage the Children and Family Wellbeing Centres across the county. Visit their page to see more.
And provide more Early Help services, including standard family support 0-19, enhanced family support 0-19 and more. This information can be seen here.
To find out more information on the support they provide, and make an enquiry, self-referral or professional referral visit the main website.
Family Hubs
Leicestershire County Council is rolling out a number of Family Hubs across the County which aim to make a positive difference to children, young people and their families by providing joined up, local services which will provide the right support at the right time, both in existing community buildings and through a dedicated website. The key is to provide a one-stop shop making it easier to find the help, advice and services you may need all in one place.
Building on our existing services, Family Hubs will work with partner organisations to expand these ensuring Family Hubs offer a wider range of support that is easily accessible from pregnancy, through your child's early years, later childhood and into young adulthood, up to the age of 19 (or up to 25 for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).
Staff will provide support and advice plus signposting to other organisations and local agencies, on a variety of areas including parenting, child development, health and wellbeing, relationships, housing, finances, education, and employment.
Where are the Family Hubs?
Family Hubs will be rolled out across Leicestershire with the following Family Hubs now open in:
- Coalville Children & Family Wellbeing Centre - 0116 305 5993
- Loughborough West Children & Family Wellbeing Centre - 0116 305 5247
- Venture House Melton Children & Family Wellbeing Centre - 0116 305 1060
- Hinckley Granville Children & Family Wellbeing Centre - 0116 305 5601
- Market Harborough Children & Family Wellbeing Centre - 0116 305 5320
- Wigston Magna Children & Family Wellbeing Centre - 0116 305 5282
For more information please click here.