Oral Health

National Smile Month!
This year it runs from 13th May to 13th June.

The Oral Health Improvement team aims to raise awareness of important oral health issues, and this year's theme is 'Love your smile'.

Maintaining a healthy smile can be simple, but for many it is difficult as inequalities continue to be a burden. During NSM we are promoting the four key oral health messages:

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and in the morning; Spit, don't rinse!
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.
  • Reduce the amount and frequency of sugar consumed.

During National Smile Month 2024, the Oral Health Improvement Team will be out and about in Leicestershire and Rutland to offer advice and freebies to the community. We will also be posting weekly messages on different social media platforms and via our relevant partners. Topics covered will include caring for your smile, food and drink, oral health products, and related diseases and conditions.

As part of National Smile Month the Oral Health Team have created a resource pack of activities that can be used with Early Years and primary school age children. You can download a copy below!

Fizz Free February 2024!

The Oral Health Improvement Team are encouraging everyone in Leicestershire to go Fizz Free during February.

Fizz Free February was first launched by Southwark Council in 2018 and is supported by Sugar Smart UK; so why should you stop drinking fizzy drinks in February?

  • Fizzy drinks are the largest single source of sugar for children aged 11-18, and they provide an average of 29% of daily sugar intake. Cutting out fizzy drinks is an easy way to reduce your sugar intake. By committing to going fizz free for the entire month of February it will make it easier to cut down on fizzy drinks for the rest of the year.

The hard truth about fizzy drinks:

  • Tooth decay is the leading cause for hospitalisation among 0-19 year olds in the UK, with over 26,000 children being hospitalised each year due to tooth decay .
  • Drinking just one 330ml can of fizzy drink a day could add up to over a stone weight gain per year.
  • You could save £580 a year if you stopped drinking one 500ml bottle of fizzy drink, per day for a year.